[docs]@dataclassclassMatrixOptions:"""Optional arguments for the ``matrix`` store for :py:func:`~genomicarrays.build_genomicarray.build_genomicarray`. Attributes: matrix_attr_name: Name of the matrix to be stored in the TileDB file. Defaults to "data". skip: Whether to skip generating matrix TileDB. Defaults to False. dtype: NumPy dtype for the values in the matrix. Defaults to np.uint16. Note: make sure the matrix values fit within the range limits of chosen-dtype. tiledb_store_name: Name of the TileDB file. Defaults to `coverage`. chunk_size: Size of chunks for parallel processing. compression: TileDB compression filter (None, 'gzip', 'zstd', 'lz4'). compression_level: Compression level (1-9). """skip:bool=Falsematrix_attr_name:str="data"dtype:np.dtype=np.float32tiledb_store_name:str="coverage"chunk_size:int=1000compression:Literal["zstd","gzip","lz4"]="zstd"compression_level:int=4
[docs]@dataclassclassSampleMetadataOptions:"""Optional arguments for the ``sample`` store for :py:func:`~genomicarrays.build_genomicarray.build_genomicarray`. Attributes: skip: Whether to skip generating sample TileDB. Defaults to False. dtype: NumPy dtype for the sample dimension. Defaults to np.uint32. Note: make sure the number of samples fit within the integer limits of chosen dtype. tiledb_store_name: Name of the TileDB file. Defaults to "sample_metadata". column_types: A dictionary containing column names as keys and the value representing the type to in the TileDB. If `None`, all columns are cast as 'ascii'. """skip:bool=Falsedtype:np.dtype=np.uint32tiledb_store_name:str="sample_metadata"column_types:Dict[str,np.dtype]=None
[docs]@dataclassclassFeatureAnnotationOptions:"""Optional arguments for the ``feature`` store for :py:func:`~genomicarrays.build_genomicarray.build_genomicarray`. Attributes: skip: Whether to skip generating sample TileDB. Defaults to False. dtype: NumPy dtype for the sample dimension. Defaults to np.uint32. Note: make sure the number of features fit within the integer limits of chosen dtype. tiledb_store_name: Name of the TileDB file. Defaults to "feature_annotation". column_types: A dictionary containing column names as keys and the value representing the type to in the TileDB. If `None`, all columns are cast as 'ascii'. aggregate_function: A callable to summarize the values in a given interval. The aggregate function is expected to return either a scalar value or a 1-dimensional NumPy `ndarray`. Defaults to None. expected_agg_function_length: Length of the output when a agg function is applied to an interval. Defaults to 1, expecting a scalar. Note: `ndarrays` will be flattenned before writing to TileDB. """skip:bool=Falsedtype:np.dtype=np.uint32tiledb_store_name:str="feature_annotation"column_types:Dict[str,np.dtype]=Noneaggregate_function:Optional[Callable]=Noneexpected_agg_function_length:int=1